Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tone and Color

Ingrid Alfaro
DAI 323
Assignment 3

This image is the one that it stood out the most for me while searching for advertising. The tone and color applied are very interesting and attractive which makes the advertising simple but yet successful in communicating the message of the product.

Tone is operating in the human figure as well as light and dark which it helps bring out the human figure plus the details on the pants which I believe it gives the whole composition that extra spice that helps define more of the human structure.

The advertisement also incorporates interaction with another visual element which is movement by using the dancing human figure. The elements that help represent this motion of movement is the hair, the arms been swing back, the leg high up, and the way the whole body is positioned. On top of that the hues tones of gray on the tips of the hair help the motion more vivid.

Another important element to analyze here is color. The way color has been applied in this example helps create a pop-out effect, since the negative and positive layers of spaces have created a dominant image for the human figure and the product which is the iPod. The red background makes the human figure stands out and the white iPod stands out from the person as well. The iPod cord implies the line basic element interacting with white color used as well as creating that pop-out effect.

Due to the color white use for the iPod the design creates a contrast with the human figure and which also makes it stand out as the focal point in the design and also creates motion of movement by following the white line from the ears to its end point which is the iPod.

I believe that taking into consideration and analyzing the elements of the design it really creates a very interesting and strong advertisement which successfully catches the viewer’s attention and transmit the message very clearly.   

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