Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy

Ingrid Alfaro
DAI 323
Assignment 7

Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy

The fallowing poster shows a good example of Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy, because it implies a composition of lines, contrast, direction, along with preattentive channel techniques like color and shape. We can see the layout of the lines creates contrast, movement; which helps differentiate the color applied to the main object. Color happens to be one of the most powerful hierarchy channels in design. The way visual perception works in this poster is by using “bottom-up” processing. Once you see the poster the mind is already telling you what is different in the composition. That information is transmitted to the “what is that” part of the process, then it process the information and it tells you “that is a yellow block”, and then it refers you to “where” the yellow block is located. The eye does rapid movements finds the yellow color then it tells you the shape and where it’s located. The combination of Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy is very important in visual search because it helps gather information, and communicates the message of the design in a very fast and effective way by attracting attention, and this makes the research very efficient.

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