Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Magazine Design


Color is active in the Z!NK magazine design as the main necessary of the layout to implement focal point in the magazine’s  name and the present issue which is fashion. The role of this element is to emphasize the message of the fashion issue with the bight yellow color against the black background. Tone is also active as well due to the pigmentation of the gray scale and light in the photograph. The role of this element is to express distance between the object and background, helping the element of color stand out and function better by communicating the message to the viewer.


Texture is active element in this magazine design due to the layers of the white lines which creates contrast between the colors in the back. The role of texture is to create a 3Dimentional feeling and a more realistic design.


Movement is active in the magazine layout by the graphical image containing vertical lines made of a collage, which creates differentiation between the lines and the picture in the back. The role of this element is to create motion in the design to activate eye movement through out the whole composition. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Visual Thinking Research

Ingrid Alfaro
Assignment #8

The Visual Thinking Research project that I (Ingrid) and my friend (Erica) did together was tested on two puzzles from The first puzzle we did was “The Cat”. The instructions were to find and count all the triangles in the picture. My strategy on counting 20 triangles in the picture was based on the reading “Images in Action” by Mckim. I was able to use the pattern seeking- finding technique in order to find the triangles along picture. Besides that I also utilize the categorizing pattern technique which helped me put together the shape of what was to be considered a triangle. Another technique that I put into use was the pattern completion due to the fact that some of the triangles in the tail were not complete which all added to 7. The rest of the triangles can b find in the body=3, and 10 along the face with that said I also used the visual memory which helped retain in record of the amount of triangles displayed.

My friend Erica came up with 18 triangles, she basically used pattern finding, categorizing, and visual memory. She did not use the pattern completion technique which is the reason for her not to be able to find the other two triangles in the picture.
The second puzzle that we both worked on was “Name the Month”. This puzzle consists on guessing the month by visualizing the symbols provided. I came up with the answer a little faster than Erica. The reason for that was because there was a cognitive illusion involved at the beginning which rapidly transformed into an inverse drawing technique and that was the reason for me drawing the horizontal line along the symbols, and that is how I figure out that the month was July. Erica did figure out the month of July but she apply spatial analogy as visual reasoning when she analyzing the 4 symbols and the months that have 4 letters.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy

Ingrid Alfaro
DAI 323
Assignment 7

Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy

The fallowing poster shows a good example of Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy, because it implies a composition of lines, contrast, direction, along with preattentive channel techniques like color and shape. We can see the layout of the lines creates contrast, movement; which helps differentiate the color applied to the main object. Color happens to be one of the most powerful hierarchy channels in design. The way visual perception works in this poster is by using “bottom-up” processing. Once you see the poster the mind is already telling you what is different in the composition. That information is transmitted to the “what is that” part of the process, then it process the information and it tells you “that is a yellow block”, and then it refers you to “where” the yellow block is located. The eye does rapid movements finds the yellow color then it tells you the shape and where it’s located. The combination of Visual Perception and Feature Hierarchy is very important in visual search because it helps gather information, and communicates the message of the design in a very fast and effective way by attracting attention, and this makes the research very efficient.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Top-Down Visual Processing

Ingrid Alfaro
DAI 323
Top- Down Visual Processing

The following image represents the top-down visual processing, because by taking a quick look at the design all we see is bunch of letters. But after that what we see the color red since it creates a lauder signal. The fixation created lets the viewer identify specific details; which helps anticipate the seeking of what exactly we are looking for. At this point we are processing and the goal is to discover the message behind it. All this is accomplished by the eye movement. We first recognize the feature which is a pool of letters then we see the color red at this point we are processing our next move towards our goal. After that we go back and start identifying all the red letters in a chronological order and that is when we start discovering the message meanwhile the surroundings become blurry and meaningless.